Figure 1
You have a certain data "packet" that you want to send to interested listeners. In the diagram, it is the YourEvent
class. It is typically a struct with a bunch of const data members and a constructor to initialize them.
Listener< EvType
> is an abstract base class template. Your class interested in YourEvent
events, called YourListener in Fig. 1, derives from this abstract base class (with the template parameter EvType
= YourEvent)
. Listener< EvType
> provides a virtual method, processEvent(const
, to be overriden in YourListener, and provides other concrete methods useful to listeners.
EventSender< EvType
> is the dispatcher. It accepts registration by classes that inherit from Listener< EvType
>, i.e. objects interested in EvType
. It also dispatches EvType
events to those listeners when EventSender< EvType>::send(const
is called.
If one of your listeners for EvType
events causes another EvType
event to be generated as a consequence of a first EvType
being generated, a EventSender< EvType>::IllegalSendError
exception will be thrown by the EventSender< EvType>::send()
method mentioned above.
More "advanced" uses:
Figure 2
can inherit from PolymorphEvent, and be stored in a container, e.g. in std::queue< PolymorphEvent> . PolymorphEvent is an abstract base class that defines a pure virtual send() method for you, which you trivially override to call send< EvType
>(). You give each event in the container to EventSender<PolymorphEvent>::send() (or you can call send() directly on the event).Figure 3